Saturday 4 June 2011


Hey there! I guess an introduction should be in order. I'm a final year student doing a degree in Physiotherapy in India. I'm actually a Malaysian,but I've been studying in India for the last 4 years. :)  I have been following nail blogs for the past 2 months or so. Its so amazing to see that there are so many people out there who have the same craze as me! I don't own many bottles of nail polish as of yet,but I hope to accumulate them over time,when I earn my own moolah that is. I have a couple of pictures of the nail polish that I have,however,they've been taken with my mobile phone. So its not as clear as I wish it to be. But I shall work on it. :) Thats it for now. Hope you enjoy reading my musings. Cheers. :)